Are You Ready To Thrive?

Located in Paramaribo, Suriname, Noah-Tree Yoga & Wellness offers a 360° holistic approach to health.

Our approach is based on the belief that to live a healthy, vibrant and happy life, all aspects of health need to be addressed; physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual. With tools like yoga, somatic movement, breathwork, meditation, energy healing, EFT and mindset transformation, we create a solid foundation for you to thrive through every phase of your life.

We combine different healing modalities and tailor them specifically to your needs knowing that you are completely unique! We hold sacred space for you as you come to know that you are the healer of your own life.

Our mission is to combine both inner work and outer work and implement that into a modern lifestyle, so that we can heal ourselves, ultimately healing others in the process as well.